Monday, June 20, 2011

My life so far,,,,

Yes, i am starting to get use to life without my love....

Planning my route around trains and buses... Actually it was not that bad, as i have more time to read or listen to my favourite music, on my way to work or workout.

I guess with the help of an iphone apps it really helps a lot. It tells me what time the next bus will reach... and whether i need to run for it....hahaha... yeah..i did a 100m dash before just to catch a 2 mins arriving bus...:P

Another changes will be my workout routine... after i had started my PT session.. i need less sleep and was able to wake up very early in the morning. It helps me in a way that i have more time to prepare my breakfast and get into office before 9am.

Now i am looking forward to this coming Wed, cos i am travelling to tioman island with yong( my brother)& wife and the kids... and Moon of course... can't remember this is the how many time i been there... I have always love tioman... :)

This will be a good break as it is a 4 days 3 nite stay with one day on our own..:)

Hope i can post some photos next time I blog..

Love all and world peace...

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