Finally come to weekend..Really looking forward to this day as I had booked a musical several weeks ago and today, 26nov is the day. It was also intentionaly Fran birthday gift. It rained very heavily in the morning when i am picking Fran up from his office. Luckily nothing happened..cos i almost knock into a lamp pole.
RENT, about the lives and loves of a group of struggling young artist, gay, lesb and straight. I love the music and the act since I watched many years ago. Karan act and sing well in the show and I am glad that I catched this ...
After the show, was about evening time... Decided to go funan for dinner...The objective is really to go to somewhere nearby to take aura photo...Indeed a unique and special moment for me. As u can see I am in light of orange/yellow..
and the explanation is so me...:) I am glad that it did not show the ugly me as the light is all over me..hahaha... They also include a quite detail explaination of the light zone and its meaning.. The picture is not ex and cost a merely $10, i strongly encourage whoever into discovering themselve, go and get one soon...

It tells that on the rightside(expression...The color that I putting out to the world...) My color is green/yellow: the world sees me as cheerful, happy and confident. Yellow is the color of sunshine, warmth and intellectual capability, while green is the color of healing, self confident and discipline. Ochre, a blending of these two colors show that i am an optimistic, practical and thoughtful attitude. I may often find myself in the center of attention or in a leadership role...( I know that i am a happy man, only under certain situation that will put me down. It sounds quite true and accurate )
On the center(experience...The color that seen over my head now...The color that best describe me, or what I wish to be)...M color is orange: I can't help expressing myself creatively! I am an artist at heart and march to the beat of different drummer. Right now I am feeling powerful I have the energy, enthusiasm, confident and will to accomplish anything that I desire. Orange is also the color of originality and independence....( I know that there is a change in me lately, maybe due to the change of role and team in the office, the whole me feels different. I am in a more relax position. I am still trying to adjust myself to the whole situation)
On the Left side(future...The color or vibration coming into my being)...My color is Golden orange: my future is bound to be thought provoking as well as highly creative. Activity generating energy is coming into my field. This shade of golden orange is a mixture of active red and intellectual yellow. In this position of my auric field indicates that a very creative and intellectually stimulating future lies in store for me. Inspired ideas are already unfolding within me. I also can enjoy life as I wish...( I truely believe something is going to happen, cos i have call up for a lesson of healing workshop. It is something new and exciting to me. Next sunday is the day and i really looking forward to it, I am sure there is a big change coming)
On the throat(Communication...Is traditionally the energy being expressed)...My color is Golden orange: I can't help expressing myself joyfully and creatively. Happiness, excitement and humor is what I most desire in my life. I spread sunshine wherever I go. My voice is my instrument. I may enjoy singing, acting, telling jokes and stories or just chatting with friends... People find me a pleasurable, lively and entertaining companion. I am warm, outgoing and sociable.( This i have to admit, I like to share my happiness and small talk to whoever knows me..Oveall i hope i am a fun guy that people like to hang around with)
On the heart(Empathy...The vibration coming into my being)...My color is green/yellow: what I desired in life is to heal and nuture others with my humor and optimistic. I am fun-loving and carefree yet I feel a responsibility and desire to counsel and help people with their problems and challenges. I have deep insight and empathy into what others are experiencing, but I have the unique ability to remain centered and amused when all else is falling into chaos around me. My humor is often my strength and saving grace.( Well, maybe because of where i am now, a senior in the company, i really need to look after some junior colleague. In my heart i feels that we are all adult, we should know the limits to the fun and should concentrate in job when the time call)
On the Solar Plexis( normally the center vibration of my being, associated with power, money...It is also the center of self esteem and ego)... My color is yellow: Like the rising sun, yellow brings forth warmth and light. Yellow are representative of the intellect. Each shade or tint of yellow expresses a type of function, ability or expression of the intellect. I am filled with a sense of excitement and joy. I probably feel happy and confident as I discovered my life's work. I have the confident to accomplish anything I desire to do. I laugh easily and are amused by life.( well i do enjoy my job to an extend, So far i am happy there. Now with most of my debt clear, i am happy to be able to enjoy it more without thinking too much on how much more money that i need to folk out)
Should I leave out the color for sex..heehee that a bit too personal mann...Hahaha...Anyway the color is GOLDEN ORANGE...Also means for friendship, socializing, having fun and being myself are what I wish to focus on now. I make my work and chores a pleasure and strive to enjoy every moment. I have a great sense of humor and laugh easily. My life is a fun and creative project. I am also able to relate to others in a warm, open and friendly way. ( yeah, i am enjoying my life now. At this age of mine, i dont wanna lead a boring and restless life. That is why i go gym, roller brading and now my passion is find out more abt the spiritual me)
On the root( traditionally the energy of the physical plane and material reality)..
My color is yellow: Fun is what I am concentrate on now. No matter what I am doing, it needs to be an enjoyable experience. I may be successful in my business if it is fun and creative for me. The world sees me as cheerful, happy, playful, carefree and lucky. Yellow is the color of sunshine and warmth.. My personality is definitely outgoing and optimistic. I may often find myself the center of attention, others see me as radiant and self-expressive.( Well, guess that i am a born designer huh hahaha. Not born to be rich, that means)
OK...The last is the summary...My overall( Summarizes the color intensities of the various elements of my aura(chakras) and the overall condition of my being: My color is GOLD.... In the near future I will have the opportunities to be an inspiration to many people. I glow with a beautiful inner light that people instantly recognize and respond to. I am full of hope, inspiration, utopian ideals and zeal. I easily inspire others with my optimism and excitement with new ideas. I have quick, curious mind always happy and hungry for new learning. I am happy to be what I am and I feel confident to accomplish anything that I want. ( A inspiration to many people?? wow what a big role and i dun think i am such a person, I means my character wasnt that out spoken...will see how it leads me to...True that i like to learn new things, but how long the passion will last? i dunno..i was also known to only have 3mins passion type of guy....hahaha...)
wow ....God...This is the longest blog I ever write hahaha...Indeed it is an experience or lesson learned from the aura photo, it teach me and tell me who I am..
for friends who knows me...This is me...
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